Two siblings, Moved by Music, Advanced by Art, Lifted by Life.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thank You

I feel that I vicariously experienced such a beautiful and rare opportunity through you. Truly-thanks.
Each day I am blown away by the inspiring people in this world. So many people devote their lives to a cause they believe in. What would the world be like without such individuals? The thing that baffles me most is how selflessly these people serve. For instance, President Hinckley, how could a man have given more of his life to the most important cause in the world? And Paul Rusesabagina-Sure there is a movie depicting his life, but what's more is that it was real; he saved lives in an event that received no outside support or even recognition. Wow. These people, men and women around the world, provide the world with hope; hope that there are causes to fight for, that an individual can make a difference, and that life is not in vain.
So I thank these people. Sometimes it's a face I know well, and other times it's one completely foreign to me. It's magical at times. So I thank all those who live life to make it full and worthwhile, and not to be recognized or aggrandized. Thank you.

{I love the musik!}

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